This is an image of a harbour in Scotland on the Island of Coll. There is a church on the right of the image. The sun is just setting in the image.

This is a 2024-25 project exploring digital pedagogies and socio-material practices of belonging at the University of Highlands and Islands in Scotland, by Dr. Bonnie Stewart of University of Windsor, Canada.

belonging blog:

  • once and future kings
    Is this like the invention of the printing press? That not far from here started the reformation. The thing about Scotland is that – as a country – it’s three raccoons in a trench coat. Not that every country isn’t, but from the outside Scotland almost looks coherent. I mean, everybody loves Scotland. Foreign and quaint but not too foreign, from the North American POv. Long united with the more dominant partner in the project of Empire, it… Read more: once and future kings